Essential Office English

Autor(s) John Pelham

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Editora: Escolar Editora
Ano: 2005
Nº Páginas: 172
Peso: 0.261 Kg
Dimensões: 145x230 mm
ISBN: 9789725921876
Categoria(s) Elt: English for Specific Purposes
Disponibilidade: Em Stock
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If you are looking for something to improve your English in the office, this book is for you. If your English is pre-intermediate or above, you will find material here which will improve your command of the language and provide practical information which is of relevance at the workplace. On the writing side, there are model letters and e-mails covering all the basic office situations where English is necessary. In addition to the correspondence itself, there are examples of the language you can use in a variety of topics related to the main contents of each unit. On the spoken side, there are conversations over the phone and in face-to-face situations, with emphasis on the basic spoken language you need. Each situation is accompanied by a list of the most important expressions used in each dialogue. In all, there are close on 400 topics used in 40 Units, and you will find a full list of them at the back of the book

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